Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight


  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 4 tablespoons cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup Pepperjack cheese, shredded
  • 2 tablespoons green onion, chopped
  • 4 to 8 slices of bacon
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Toothpicks (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  2. Cut each chicken breast into 2 equal-sized pieces. Lay a piece of plastic wrap over each chicken piece and pound it until it is about 1/4-inch thick. Season each side with salt and pepper.
  3. In a bowl, mix together the softened cream cheese, shredded Pepperjack cheese, and chopped green onions until well combined.
  4. Take 1/4 of the cheese mixture and spread it evenly over the surface of each pounded chicken breast.
  5. Starting at the long side, roll up each chicken breast, ensuring that the cheese mixture stays in the middle. If needed, secure the roll with toothpicks, making it easier to wrap with bacon.
  6. Wrap 1 to 2 slices of bacon around each rolled chicken breast, covering it completely. Secure the bacon with toothpicks if necessary.
  7. Place the bacon-wrapped chicken breasts on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a wire rack.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the bacon is crispy.
  9. After baking, set your oven to broil. Broil the topside of the bacon-wrapped chicken for about 5 minutes or until the bacon is fully browned and crisp.
  10. Carefully turn each chicken breast over and broil for an additional 3 minutes or until the bottom side is crispy.
  11. Remove from the oven and let it rest for a few minutes. Remove any toothpicks before serving.
  12. Serve your Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight on a platter, and enjoy this delicious and savory dish with your favorite sides!

Note: Make sure to check the internal temperature of the chicken, which should reach at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) for safe consumption.

Here are some tips to make your Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight even more delightful:

  1. Marinate the Chicken: Consider marinating the chicken breasts in your favorite herbs and spices for a few hours or overnight. This can enhance the overall flavor of the dish.
  2. Add Fresh Herbs: Incorporate fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, or parsley into the cream cheese mixture for an added burst of freshness and flavor.
  3. Use Quality Bacon: Choose high-quality bacon for better taste and texture. Thick-cut bacon works well as it adds a substantial and satisfying crunch.
  4. Experiment with Cheese: Feel free to experiment with different cheese varieties for the stuffing. Gouda, cheddar, or mozzarella can be great alternatives or additions to the Pepperjack cheese.
  5. Add a Kick: If you like some heat, consider adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or a dash of hot sauce to the cream cheese mixture for a spicy kick.
  6. Citrus Zest: Enhance the flavor profile by adding a bit of citrus zest, such as lemon or lime, to the cream cheese mixture. This can add a subtle, refreshing element to the dish.
  7. Herb-Infused Bacon: Sprinkle chopped herbs over the bacon before baking to infuse it with additional flavor. Rosemary or thyme work particularly well.
  8. Maple Glaze: Brushing a light layer of maple syrup over the bacon during the last few minutes of baking can add a sweet and savory dimension to your dish.
  9. Grill Instead of Bake: If weather permits, consider grilling the bacon-wrapped chicken for a smokier flavor. Just make sure to cook over indirect heat to avoid flare-ups.
  10. Serve with a Dipping Sauce: Accompany your Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken with a dipping sauce such as honey mustard, garlic aioli, or a balsamic reduction for added depth of flavor.
  11. Pair with Sides: Serve the chicken with complementary sides like roasted vegetables, garlic mashed potatoes, or a crisp salad to create a well-balanced and satisfying meal.
  12. Garnish Creatively: Garnish the plated dish with additional chopped green onions, fresh herbs, or a sprinkle of grated cheese for a visually appealing presentation.

Feel free to tailor these tips to your personal taste preferences, and enjoy making your Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight even more delightful!

Achieving the perfect Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight involves attention to detail and some culinary secrets. Here are some tips to help you reach perfection:

  1. Properly Pound the Chicken: Ensure that you pound the chicken breasts to an even thickness of about 1/4 inch. This not only helps in even cooking but also makes it easier to roll and stuff.
  2. Room Temperature Cream Cheese: Allow the cream cheese to come to room temperature before mixing. This ensures a smoother and more easily spreadable consistency, making it easier to work with.
  3. Secure the Bacon: If using toothpicks to secure the bacon, make sure they are soaked in water for about 15-20 minutes before use. This prevents them from burning during baking.
  4. Neat Rolling Technique: Roll the chicken breasts tightly, keeping the cream cheese mixture in the center. A tight roll helps in preventing the cheese from oozing out during cooking.
  5. Precook Bacon Slightly: For extra crispy bacon, consider partially cooking the bacon in a skillet for a couple of minutes before wrapping it around the chicken. This helps in achieving the desired crispiness without overcooking the chicken.
  6. Bake on a Rack: Placing the bacon-wrapped chicken on a wire rack on the baking sheet allows the heat to circulate evenly, ensuring that the bacon cooks uniformly and becomes crispy on all sides.
  7. Broil for Perfect Crispiness: Broiling the bacon-wrapped chicken during the last few minutes of cooking ensures a golden-brown, crispy exterior. Keep a close eye to avoid burning.
  8. Rest Before Slicing: Allow the cooked chicken to rest for a few minutes before slicing. This helps in retaining the juices, keeping the chicken moist and flavorful.
  9. Check Internal Temperature: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken. It should reach at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) for safe consumption.
  10. Customize the Filling: Experiment with different fillings to suit your taste preferences. Add herbs, spices, or a touch of citrus to the cream cheese mixture for an extra layer of flavor.
  11. Experiment with Smoking: If you have a smoker, try smoking the bacon-wrapped chicken for a unique and smoky flavor. Use wood chips like hickory or applewood for added depth.
  12. Quality Ingredients: Choose high-quality chicken, bacon, and cheeses for the best flavor. Fresh, premium ingredients can make a significant difference in the overall taste of the dish.

By paying attention to these details and incorporating these secrets, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the perfect Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight!

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers related to Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight:

1. Can I prepare Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken ahead of time?

  • Yes, you can prepare the chicken rolls in advance and refrigerate them before baking. This allows for easy and quick cooking when you’re ready to enjoy the dish.

2. How do I store leftover Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken?

  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Reheat in the oven to maintain the crispiness of the bacon.

3. Can I freeze Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken?

  • It’s not recommended to freeze raw bacon-wrapped chicken as it can affect the texture. However, you can freeze cooked leftovers and reheat them later.

4. What sides pair well with this dish?

  • This dish pairs well with sides like roasted vegetables, garlic mashed potatoes, or a fresh salad for a balanced meal.

5. How can I prevent the cream cheese from oozing out during baking?

  • Ensure a tight roll when assembling the chicken, and secure it with toothpicks if needed. Additionally, avoid overfilling with the cream cheese mixture.

6. Can I use different cheeses for the stuffing?

  • Yes, you can experiment with different cheeses based on your preferences. Gouda, cheddar, or mozzarella can be great alternatives.

7. What’s the best way to achieve crispy bacon?

  • Partially cook the bacon before wrapping it around the chicken, and broil the dish during the last few minutes of baking for a crispy finish.

8. How long does it take to cook Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken?

  • Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees F for about 30 minutes. Broil for an additional 5 minutes to crisp up the bacon.

9. Can I grill Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken?

  • Yes, you can grill the chicken over indirect heat for a smokier flavor. Ensure the chicken reaches a safe internal temperature.

10. How can I add a sweet element to the dish? – Brushing a light layer of maple syrup over the bacon during the last few minutes of baking can add a sweet and savory dimension.

11. What should the internal temperature of the chicken be? – The internal temperature should reach at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) for safe consumption.

12. Can I make this dish without bacon for a lighter version? – Yes, you can omit the bacon for a lighter version, but keep in mind that the bacon adds a significant flavor and texture element to the dish.

Feel free to use these answers as a reference when sharing your Bacon-Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Delight recipe or addressing common queries about the dish!

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